Our zone...

This special area on the east coast of the Coromandel is unique.  It is a combination of nearly untouched native bush areas administered by the Department of Conservation, with nature reserves run by TCDC (Thames Coromandel District Council.) and QE11 blocks.

 It includes both farms encompassing blocks of bush, wetlands and waterways, with lifestyle blocks, coastal estuary streams, and sand dunes homing endangered birdlife.   

The urban areas of coastal baches – quiet during the year, bustle for a few weeks in summer with an influx of visitors who make the most of what this special area in the Coromandel has to offer.

Shakespeare Cliff nature reserve
Shakespeare Cliff nature reserve

History of the trust

Purangi Conservation trust was formed in 2018 by a group of local landowners who wanted to band together and work towards a predator free community. and enhance the natural environment through plant regeneration. Our mission is to eradicate pests that destroy our birdlife and other endangered species, as well as plant for a future to feed and house them. Formerly known as the Rodent Control FMFC trust, Purangi Conservation trust is a registered charity and all donations are tax deductible

From Whitianga rock looking towards Kaitoke

Our people

The trust comprises of five trustees, one paid trapper and a team of volunteers

Plus over 50 trapping volunteers

That's enabling hundreds of rats, stoats, weasels and possums to be humanely dispatched every month!

Check out the action below....


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